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So you want to be a digital nomad? Firstly, let me say AWESOME. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU. It’s freaking amazing and I can’t wait to see this tribe grow.

But first…

Hi. I’m Karina. I’m a digital nomad, creator, and lover of all things that live in the ocean. 

The hard truth is: being a digital nomad isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. 

While it’s a lifestyle that’s fulfilling as heck and I haven't met a single person who regrets at least trying it, it doesn’t mean it’s EASY.

So if you’re going to be a digital nomad, you have to be able to answer YES to these 10 questions.

Let me preface this by saying that these are all skills you can LEARN. Just because you can’t answer YES to it now doesn’t mean you won’t be able to in a month or a year. We’re all about growth here, nomads.

  1. Do I really Freaking love travel?

    This should be an obvious one, but for some people it’s not! If you’re going to dedicate your life to travel, you’ve got to really, really love it.

  2. Am I willing to acquire the skills for remote work?

    You don’t have to have them now. You don’t need a degree. What you need is a mindset of commitment and the decision to make. It. work.

  3. Can I track my expenses and manage my money?

    Let me tell you from experience that running out of money in a foreign country is no fun. While most places in the world are more affordable than the US or CA, that doesn’t mean you can spend money without paying attention. Again, this is a skill you can LEARN.

  4. Can I go 6-18 months without seeing my family?

    Yes, that long. Travel tends to take you to the far parts of the earth and you won’t have the time or money to go all the way back home to see your family every month or two. Video chats and texts are great but they aren’t the same. Can you be happy like that?

  5. Am I willing to live with minimal Sh*T?

    If you’re not living out of a backpack right now, get ready to part with 90% of what you own. Personally I find living with minimal belongings to be WAYYY less stressful and more fun, but if you really need a different dress for every day of the month, this ain’t gonna work.

  6. Am I comfortable with being UNcomfortable?

    Travel is gonna make you uncomfortable in so so many ways. From long bus rides to shitty hostel beds to trying to communicate in a different language and culture, you’re going to be feeling uncomfortable A LOT. Are you okay with that?

  7. Am I really picky with how I sleep/where I eat?

    You won’t be staying in 5 star hotels every night, and American style fare isn’t available everywhere, plus it’s boring as heck. While I’m a big advocate of settling in a spot you like every 4-6 weeks, You’ve got to be able to withstand a crappy hostel room every once in a while.

  8. Am I open-minded?

    If you’re not okay with accepting and even embracing other lifestyles, cultures, basically anyone who’s different than you, you’re going to have a hard time living and a worse time making friends.

  9. Am I okay with being alone?

    Unless you have a travel buddy, and even if you do, you’re going to spend (probably more time than you’ve ever spent) alone. Between friends there’s often a lot of downtime with just you and your thoughts. Especially if you work, there will be plenty of times you’ve got to work instead of play.

  10. Am I committed to getting outside my comfort zone?

    Are you willing to push yourself to try things that scare the sh*t out of you? To exploring? To being awkward as hell and getting over it? Remember what I said about travel not being easy. You’re going to be out of your comfort zone more often than you’re in it. Get comfortable with that. 

And one question you should NOT ask is: Can I afford it? Because the answer is YES. You absolutely can.

Now I’m not perfect, no traveller is, and there’s sometimes I’d give an arm and a leg for a quiet night or a comfortable bus ride. But I’d give everything to keep on traveling, and that’s what matters.

Which question surprised you the most? Which one are you still struggling with? Comment down below and let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for travel vlogs and nomad content and follow me on insta to catch up on my day-to-day adventures.

Scrolled all the way to the bottom? If you’re not in the mood for reading, check out my video on this topic:


How to Hike the Queen Charlotte Track
