Travel 101: You’re Gonna Get Wet

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So you’re packing for your next trip. It’s out to the beautiful sandstone deserts near Moab, Utah, and you’re stoked to spend a week escaping from this cold winter into the warm, dry sun. In go your sneakers, water bottle, sunshirt- you pause with your raincoat in your hand. It rains like four days a year there, do I really need- but then something from Girl Scouts about always being prepared nips at your mind, and you stuff it in anyway. If nothing else, it’ll make for a decent pillow. 

Flash forward: you arrive in the desert. You’re surrounded by the most vibrant, beautiful sandstone you’ve ever seen. Massive slabs of rock jutting from the earth, beautiful flows of color curving over their edges. The sky is a bit cloudy, but you’re sure it’ll clear up soon. 

Not. A. Chance.

It rains for the next 4 days straight. It’s not all bad, as you get to drive through a canyon watching waterfalls form, get the trails pretty much to yourself (who knew no one else wants to hike in the pouring rain?), and have to suppress laughter as one of the locals explains how there are these incredible pools of water in the rock and you look at your travel buddies like puddles? 

Thank God you brought that raincoat. Otherwise you would have spent the week hypothermic or visiting museums about dinosaur bones or mining or something. 

So yeah, always pack a raincoat. 

Whether you plan for it or not, you’re gonna get wet. But hey, travel is an adventure, and getting a taste of that sweet blue liquid is all part of the fun (really, I swear). 

Let’s dive in.


Sustainable Travel Essentials: Snacktime