10 Reasons to Become a Digital Nomad in 2021

  1. It’s never been easier to make a living online

    Most of us are working online anyway. Who says it has to be from your couch and not from your porch in Cancun? If you have an internet connection, what’s the difference? Or maybe you’re fed up with your soul-sucking 9 to 5 and want to strike out on your own.

    Good news. The online freelance world (aka the key to becoming a digital nomad in 2021) is popping right now. Pretty much any skill you can think of can work online.

  2. Travel is CHEAP right now

    Because of the whole pandemic thing. Many people are afraid to travel and even more don’t believe it’s safe. Well let me tell you. If you’ve sat down with your friends in a bar for a few hours anytime since March, you’ve been in a riskier situation than a plane.

    With tourism down worldwide, countries are practically begging people to stop by. Flights, accommodation, activities, all discounted. Travel, especially long-term travel in 2021 is more affordable than you can imagine.

  3. You never know what the future will bring

    If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that the future is completely unpredictable. There’s no way to guarantee next year or even tomorrow, so why not start living the life you love today?

  4. Experiences top belongings, every time

    After months of sitting at home, I do hope it’s obvious by now that your random stuff isn’t going to bring you joy. True joy. The type of joy that makes you jump up and down and shriek like a little kid with glee. But you know what does?

    Setting down in your dream destination. Doing that one crazy activity that you’ve always wanted to do but have been too scared to try. Finally seeing that waterfall from Instagram and realizing it’s about 100x better in real life.

  5. It’s time to start living

    Enough of the two weeks vacation a year. Enough of waiting a lifetime for any taste of freedom. Enough of scrolling social media on your lunch, coffee, and bathroom breaks. Enough of society telling us that only the few and rich get to live a life of freedom. It’s time to call BS on the whole thing. Grab life by the balls and get on living.

  6. The whole lifestyle is cheaper

    Unless you choose to settle in Britain or Iceland, chances are your destination is going to be a heck of a lot cheaper than living in the USA. First of all, being a digital nomad cuts out a bunch of expenses. Shopping. Insurance. Car. A lease that gets worse every month.

    Secondly, the expenses that DO remain are way less. Cheaper accommodation. Cheaper food. Cheaper transport. Unless you’re staying in a 5-star resort every night, there’s a good chance you’ll be saving money.

  7. Long-term travel creates massive personal growth

    It’s easy enough to show up in a country for a week or two, take a look around, and then head back to your old life unchanged. But if you’re on the road for a few months, you’ll notice you can’t help but change.

    You face challenges you never dreamed of. Experiences so amazing they change your outlook on life. Meet people from everywhere. You’ll be stuck with you, yourself, and the unknown, and if that doesn’t inspire growth, I don’t know what will.

  8. You’ll learn. A lot.

    College is out, travel is in. Seriously. The number of people making TONS of money working online without a degree is absolutely bonkers. Not that college is worthless, but travel teaches you life skills that no university does. Problem solving, accountability, people skills.

    A resume full of the things you learn by traveling would make any hiring manager call you for an interview. So in case you choose to leave the digital nomad life later on or would like to argue less about your choice with your parents, you won’t need to worry about ‘lost time’. It’s an investment, Mom.

  9. Travel is an antidote to hatred

    There’s a lot of hate in this world right now. Too much of it. Too many people choosing sides and hating those who aren’t like them simply because they are afraid of differences. While taking off on an adventure isn’t going to solve society’s problems, it’ll certainly open your eyes.

    I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here that you’re a good person and not full of hate. But maybe you don’t really understand other cultures. Are a little fearful of them (spoiler alert: that’s okay!). It’s natural to be uncomfortable with things that are different and unknown.

    But you have the chance to change that. Go out and meet people. Experience other cultures. Feel the love and joy that connects almost all of humanity. Your heart just might explode with compassion for all of our fellow humans.

  10. You know you want to, so why not do it?

    Google is smart. There’s a reason you clicked on this article. You really do want to be a digital nomad. And that want isn’t going to go away, no matter how many layers of “being practical” “responsible” and “sensible” you try to bury it under.

    You’ve got a deep, burning desire to take off and pursue your dreams, and you absolutely have the means and ability to do it. Take a chance, bet on yourself, and book that ticket. All you have to lose is a regretful ‘what if’.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.

-Henry Ford



Travel Gear Every Digital Nomad Needs


Arriving in Medellin, Colombia 2021